Friend, hello!
My name is SC. I’m a twenty-something living in the Lowcountry who, at any given moment, might be found with my nose in a book or dramatically re-enacting scenes from Mulan. And I started this blog out of stupidity.
Let me explain.
I felt stupid for not knowing what FICA was. Stupid for having to Google average 401(k) contributions. Stupid for feeling like I failed basic #adulting.
But the thing is, I’m not stupid. I’m a relatively bright, college-educated, well-read individual. So why is money so hard? Why is adulting so hard? Maybe it’s because this stuff just wasn’t in school. And I figure that if I’m feeling this way, I can’t be the only one.
I’m not a financial expert (not even CLOSE. Not even in the same zip code, just so we’re clear). But here’s what I do have: solid research skills, an insatiable curiosity, unlimited access to GIFs and parents who’ve shared a fair amount of common sense. This blog serves as a resource — a place to streamline research, improve financial literacy and foster conversations we don’t have enough.
Consider this Adulting 101.
I hope you’ll join me in my search for money-saving solutions and fight for financial independence. And for the inevitable Taylor Swift references.